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Board Members

The CPET Board consists of students who have been on the team for at

least one year. Board members are elected by fellow team members

and are tasked with making sure

the team runs smoothly.



CPET President

Ellie is a fourth year Landscape Architecture major and is so honored to be serving as this year's president! She has been riding since she was young and has loved trying every discipline she can over the years. She shows in reined cow horse and ranch horse events at home, and at Cal Poly with the Western Show Team. Ellie has "met so many wonderful people through this club over the years and is so happy to be a part of this amazing program that makes riding accessible to Cal Poly students!" Sharing her love for horses is, for her, the best part of the club. She is so thankful for such incredible board members on the team this year!



CPET  Vice President

CalliAnne, is a third year Animal Science major on the pre-vet track, is so excited to be serving as the team’s vice president this year! She have been competing on the western show team for 3 years now and has loved every second of it. In her own words, "riding with this group of people has given me some of the best college experiences I could ever ask for!”



Horse Manager

Madison is a third year Animal Science major who serving as one of the CPET Horse Managers this year! She has been "riding off and on most of my life, but only started getting serious about it in the last 6 years." She currently competes on the Western Show Team, and is a part of Cal Poly's Mule Packing and Quarter Horse Enterprises. She is so excited to work with CPET this year!



Horse Manager 

Lea is a fourth year Animal Science major who is happily serving as one of CPET’s horse managers and "loving every second of it!" She has been riding and showing in western equitation with Cal Poly for the last 3 years, and works at the Cal Poly Equine Unit as well. When she graduates in the spring, she hopes to pursue a career in equine reproduction and management as well as continue to learn to be a better horsewoman and rider!



Horse Manager

Kieran is a second year architecture major. He's been riding horses since he was eight, and has been as teaching and working in the equine world for the past five years. Kieran says "I’m excited to be one of your horse managers and practice supervisors this year!”



Public Relations Coordinator

Skye is a third year Environmental Management and Protection Major. She's loved horses for her entire life, and started riding regularly once she came to Cal Poly (she may or may not have chosen this school because it has horses). She enjoys riding both disciplines, and currently competes on both the English and Western show teams! Her favorite thing about CPET? "Giving me an incredible opportunity to make lasting friendships and spend time with horses!" If she's not riding, you can find her taking photos for the team. 



Public Relations Coordinator

Bill, a recent Animal Science graduate, has been with CPET for 2 years and loved every single minute of it. He has been riding for most of his life, starting off as a herder in Mongolia and then as a recreational western rider in the Czech Republic. His time with the team has taught him so much about the equine and showing industries. As a graduate, he will be pursuing a future in equine or bovine genetics development. 



Practice Manager

Rebecca is a third year Architecture Major who is excited to be serving as the practice manager as well as continuing as one of the horse show managers! She has been riding hunter/jumper for over 15 years and has started to dabble in Western riding a little bit since she came to Cal Poly. She is a part of the Hunt Seat show team as well, which "has been such a fun experience getting to travel and show with my teammates!" She has really enjoyed getting to make so many wonderful memories and friends within CPET, and can't wait to see what this year brings! 




Claire is a third year Animal Science major with a biotechnology minor. She has been riding horses her whole life, mostly in the Western discipline. She loves trail riding and mule packing and hopes to be an equine veterinarian one day. In her own words, "I can't wait to get to know you all this year and be even more involved in this fantastic club!"




Katie is a fourth year Civil Engineering major from Orange County, CA. She grew up riding horses so CPET is the club she dreamed of having at college and she is so happy to be a part of it! She's been riding hunter/jumper for 9 years and is on the Hunt Seat show team but has really enjoyed learning how to ride western on CPET. She cannot wait for this year!



New Member Liaison

Sammy is a fourth year Animal Science major. She started her horse journey at Cal Poly, and says that joining the Equestrian Team has greatly helped her improve my horsemanship! She is so excited to have the opportunity to pass on her knowledge and enthusiasm for CPET to our new members. According to Sammy, "It has been a joy welcoming new people to our CPET family and rekindling connections with our old members. I love this club and all the people in it!"


Horse Show Managers 

The Horse Show Managers are a group of Cal Poly Equestrian Team members who have been nominated to plan and run all Cal Poly horse shows. This job perfectly ties their knowledge of horse shows with their combined networks throughout the industry.



Fourth Year Animal Science Major

Sophia is one of the horse show managers and will help run the horse shows.



Second Year Animal Science Major

Jaime is one of the horse show managers and will help run the horse shows.



Second Year Biology Major

Shelby is one of the horse show managers and will help run the horse shows. 



Third Year Architecture Major

Rebecca is one of the horse show managers and will help run the horse shows. 



Third Year Animal Science Major

Claire is one of the horse show managers and will help run the horse shows. 

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